Wilson Avenue Baptist Church is a community of believers. What does that mean, the word community? We believe that together in fellowship we grow closer to God and one another. The Bible speaks about iron sharpening iron. We believe that together we grow stronger. We are a community of believers. 


Our church strives to be a church without walls. Jesus calls for us to go outside the walls to reach the lost and the broken. It is there that the lost will be found. Wilson Avenue makes an effort to be like the church from the book of Acts, to see our city changed.


Wilson Avenue highly values our relationships with one another. We look to grow through fellowship, and ultimately growing closer to God. We value the word of God, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We look to extend grace to all of the lost and broken, and lead those with no hope to the hope of Jesus Christ.



Wilson Avenue Baptist Church is people helping people find and follow Jesus. We belive the church is people and we are called as a community to help people experience Jesus and grow in their faith. 


All are welcome to explore what Jesus has to offer. Come as you are and just be open to taking a step of faith. Engaging in Next Steps is how we put our faith in action and live out what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Whether your Next Step is baptism, serving, or joining a small group, we have a Next Step that’s right for you. 


Whether you’re looking for friends, ways to connect, or growth in your spiritual journey, we've got something for you. Every weekend at Wilson Avenue, we teach different truths about God from the Bible. We believe in the power that He has to transform our lives. To grow spiritually we have to connect relationally. Groups are the best way to build Christian community and grow spiritually. We have all different types of groups meeting in different spaces and places.


  1. Wilson Avenue has been helping people find and follow Jesus for over 90 years.
  2. In the late 1960s, Wilson Avenue Baptist bought land and launched an outreach ministry called Rolling Hills Youth Camp. Thousands people have come to faith at this campground facility.
  3. In the late 1970s, Wilson Avenue Baptist Church moved to the city of Saraland.
  4. In 1985, Wilson Avenue started a daycare ministry to care for the young families of Saraland. 
  5. In December of 2020, Pastor Chris was called to Wilson Avenue and began serving as our lead pastor. In the last few years we have seen growth throughout our ministries, and our church attendance has tripled in size. 

Team Leads

Chris Ducas

Lead Pastor

My wife Stephanie and I moved here from California early 2021. We would love to see you this weekend! It has been exciting to see God use our church to reach people in Saraland/Satsuma and North Mobile. 

Stephanie Ducas

Ministry Coordinator

Stepanie is a key staff memeber to the Wilson Avenue team. She helps with volunteer coordination, finance director, daycare advisor, and helps lead our children's department. 

Jesse Johnson

Adult Ministries & 

Student Pastor

Pastor Jesse is a California native who moved to Saraland to join Wilson Avenue. Jesse loves playing basketball and walking his dog. Jesse serves on staff as the adult ministries pastor.

Bud Gates

Worship Director

Bud is the Staff director over our worship team. Bud has been leading at Wilson Avenue for over 40 years. Bud's grand kids like to call him G.Daddy, and well so do we. 

Mike Brannon

AWANA & Operations Lead

Mike has rasied his family in our church and is now investing his time helping pour into the next generation through our AWANA mid-week kids discipleship program. Mike is also the director of operations for the church.

Loren Johnson

Kids Director/Social Media

Loren is our Kids ministry director. Loren loves baking, coffee, and reading.

Devin Scott

First Impressions Director

Devin leads all things first impressions. From greeting, to coffee, to parking, he ensures every guest feels welcome. He and his wife Emily love their daughter!

Bobby Bentley

Greeter Lead

Bobby has a big heart and loves to see people take their next step towards growing in their faith. 

Susan Coleman

Day Care Director

Susan has been leading in our daycare for over 30 years. Susan is a lovely staff member and in this season she is training our staff to be prepared to lead for the next 30 years.

Ryan Bridges

Production Lead

Ryan is the team lead for our production team. When Ryan is not at church or with his beautiful family is he is serving on the U.S.S. Alabama.